do you have a source story to tell?
After you’ve read A little red book about source, how about sharing your own experience of the source principles? Describe the source situation that you are experiencing or witnessing, tell us about the impact of the source principles on your own journey, what they've brought you in terms of awareness or courage.
Please send your source story to Stefan Merckelbach, specifying if your testimony may be signed with your name and country, or if you wish it to be presented here anonymously.

"The discovery of the source principles provided me with a very enlightening grid of understanding on the dynamics of several significant episodes of my professional career, particularly those in which I experienced difficulty and incomprehension.
Today I can testify to a double effect linked to this discovery: on the one hand the relief of finally grasping what was at stake in these moments and thus giving them their rightful place in my personal history and that of the organisations in which I worked.
On the other hand, the awareness of the role played by the source now allows me to anchor my individual posture in a new, deeper legitimacy, while at the same time being very present and active in the collective. It allows doubt and responsibility, humility and assertiveness, intuition and structure to cohabit in a meaningful way.
The source principles are now true reference points that allow me to move forward with confidence".
— Dominique Sauzet, Switzerland